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Honeymoon Do’s
Landing A Good Man: Be A “Banquet Girl”!
How To Avoid Low-Quality Men!
10 Benefits of Being Female
Top 6 Common Dating Mistakes Women Make
Submission must be earned
The Cosmic Law of Attraction
March 30th, 2010 at 11:08 am
yeah i rily likes this article. GOOD JOB! its so hard to come up with things for both sexes to do :) thanks!
Bitter_one Says:
April 4th, 2010 at 6:03 am
no women exist like this. Some of my best friends are girls and they NEVER understand that they date crap guys. I’m sorry, i’m sure some of you meet nice guys and date them without fuss. But for the majority you don’t. Like my friends and when they break their hearts, and leave you a crying depressed mess, I’m always here to tell them it will be okay and that they would have learned from it, and yet they never do. As a constant nice guy i’m quite frankly sick of watching nice girls get their hearts broken again and again and agin by the same type of guys.
MidoriLei Says:
April 5th, 2010 at 9:38 pm
Bitter_one, have you read this post?