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Thématique de la Stratégie
Empowerment - 1.1 _ Multifonctionality
Empowerment - 1.2 _ Supply chain
Empowerment - 1.3 _ Food Security
Empowerment - 1.4 _ Integrative policy framework
Ecofunctionnal intensification - 2.1 _ Ecological support functions
Ecofunctionnal intensification - 2.2 _ Mixed farming systems
Ecofunctionnal intensification - 2.3 _ Livestock production
Ecofunctionnal intensification - 2.4 _ Genetic resources
Ecofunctionnal intensification - 2.5 _ Novel technology
Ecofunctionnal intensification - 2.6 _ Aquaculture and seaweed
Food for health - 3.1 _ Quality testing methodology
Food for health - 3.2 _ Processing technologies
Food for health - 3.3 _ Effects of organic food on health
Cross-cutting issues - 4.1 _ Knowledge management and communication: Developping a knowledge management strategy for the organic sector
Cross-cutting issues - 4.2 _ Climate change
Cross-cutting issues - 4.3 _ Loss of biodiversity
Cross-cutting issues - 4.4 _ Water scarcity