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Are Feminists Finally Noticing That the Men Have Left the Building?

“Can I take you out for a smoothie after your workout today? I know a really great place. They have great protein smoothies perfect for post workout hunger.”

Good luck!

And read this:

Jimmy Says:
February 27th, 2012 at 12:00 am
Hi Midori,

So it’s been almost a month since my last post. What a “painful” and frustrating past few weeks its been for me, what with all the unpredictable texting responses, getting no responses, waiting “ages” for a response, agonizing over what I said, what to say, what to write, etc. etc. Because of her type of work and schedule, it wasn’t easy for me to actually talk to or call this girl personally and have a good, direct conversation (if you recall, she works as a receptionist in the lobby where I live and works graveyard most of the time). She also told me prior to our first date in Dec ’11 that due to their work policy, she’s not supposed to “socialize” with the residents. So keeping the line of communication open by texting was, for me at least, the best and safest way. I did try my best to keep the bantering texts light and fun like you said (a little cheesy at times, it seemed, in retrospect lol). But I almost gave it all up because of her many no responses and few text initiations. I swear, texting a girl can really drive one nuts!