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Are Feminists Finally Noticing That the Men Have Left the Building?

March 1st, 2012 at 11:20 am
I have recently sincerely displayed acts of random kindness to someone that i am interested in –By opening door for her–expressing Happy Valentines Day to her and giving her “free-food” coupons at a popular eatery——so have I made progress and captivated her interest in me? —BTW–my next plan of action is to give her my home and cell phone numbers—ty

 MidoriLei Says:
March 2nd, 2012 at 11:45 am

There’s no way of telling just by your kindness. Those are just gentlemanly things to do. But nothing indicated a true “pursuit.”

I would NOT advise you to give her your numbers. It’s like giving something to someone when they don’t ask for it. I would instead ask her for her number. That way, the ball is in your court. That way the man is taking the initiative and taking the risk in calling.

David Says:
March 6th, 2012 at 4:10 am
Hi  MidoriLei,
I haven’t had any luck in telling if a girl likes me or not. Sometimes I think I am totally clueless. Lately, I have been sort of attracted to my city’s librarian at our library. She’s always real nice to me, she’s not bad looking, and she’s always smiling at me when I go to the check out counter that she works behind.

At first I thought she just more friendly and nice to stangers than most people are. The problem is, my past experiences at determining if a girl actually likes me or not, has always been way off base. I either get what I consider fairly flirtatious moves from girls who are really not interested in me, or I will get a girl who makes very suddle advances who are interested in me, but I don’t pick up on that because I am so dense, and I later learn that she was interested in me.