Visualisation du fichier CSV pour l'export des fiches de type : Carte des partenaires - Total des fiches : 21
"datetime_create","datetime_latest","Nom Prénom","Image de présentation (facultatif)","Fonction","Nom de la structure","Adresse postale","Code postal *","Ville","bf_latitude *","bf_longitude *","Téléphone","Email","Site Internet"
15/02/2018 16:52:19,15/02/2018 16:52:19,"PARVEAUD Claude-Eric","ParveaudClaudeEric_photo-identite-cep.jpg","Chargé de mission","ITAB","Domaine de Gotheron
","26320","ST MARCEL LES VALENCE","44.97727632868717","4.93062973022461","0475599208","",""
15/02/2018 16:49:36,15/02/2018 16:49:36,"FERRE Alain",,"Directeur technique","AREXHOR PL","1 rue des Magnolias","49130","Les-Ponts-de-Cé","47.433632","-0.542058","0241797312","",""
23/03/2018 16:58:12,23/03/2018 16:58:12,"JACQUOT Maxime",,"expérimentation en arboriculture biologique ","GRAB","GRAB c/o INRA
Domaine de Gotheron","26320","Saint Marcel les Valence","45.02695045318546","4.965820312500001","","",""
14/11/2019 00:41:01,14/11/2019 00:41:01,"ONDET Sophie-Joy, CHOVELON Marc, LAMBION Jérôme",,"expérimentation en arboriculture, viticulture et maraichage biologique ","GRAB","[[ Maison de l'Asie]]
255 chemin de la Castelette
BP 11283
","84911","Avignon Cedex 9","43.925037291687815","4.867887496948243","0490840170","",""
23/03/2018 17:08:17,23/03/2018 17:08:17,"HEBBINCKUYS Tom",,"chargé d'expérimentation en horticulture","ASTREDHOR - Loire Bretagne","Centre Floriloire 
1 rue des Magnolias","49130","Les Ponts-de-Cé","47.42936469275311","-0.527172088623047","02 41 79 73 12","",""
29/03/2018 16:46:32,29/03/2018 16:46:32,"BRESCH Sophie",,"","ASTREDHOR CDHRC","Domaine de Cornay","45590","SAINT- CYR-EN-VAL","47.912660308427654","1.9075012207031252","02 38 64 10 33","",""
08/02/2023 18:01:15,08/02/2023 18:01:15,"MILLAN Muriel",,"Chargé de projets en arboriculture","CTIFL","751, Chemin de Balandran
[[ buy maine coon]] at affordable prices.","30127","Bellegarde","43.75324116152001","4.471435546875001","04 66 01 10 54","",""
23/03/2018 17:52:59,23/03/2018 17:52:59,"GONTIER Laure, DESANLIS Myriam",,"Chargé de projets en viticulture","IFV","V’innopôle - BP22","81310","Lisle sur Tarn","43.85384062624276","1.8089675903320315","05 63 33 62 62","",""
29/03/2018 11:30:59,12/04/2024 08:44:22,"Madrid Dating",,"Responsable station de Chemillé-en-Anjou","ITEPMAI","Melay
BP 80009","49120","Chemillé-en-Anjou","47.21163934471066","-0.7285308837890626","02 41 30 30 79","",""
14/09/2023 16:17:59,14/09/2023 16:17:59,"NALIN Aurélie",,"Chargée de mission Animation et Développement des Territoires","Lycée de l'Horticulture et du Paysage de Tournus","[[ Cocaine for sale in Canberra]] at affordable prices.","71700","TOURNUS","46.5631419","4.8918589","03 85 32 26 00","",""
02/11/2022 14:33:05,02/11/2022 14:33:05,"FREMONDIERE Guillaume",,"Responsable de la station de Montboucher/Jabron","ITEPMAI","[[Undangan Digital]]

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[[ Playful Flirting Secrets]]","26740","MONTBOUCHER /JABRON","44.55109018091411","4.804115295410157"," 04 75 91 81 46","",""
29/03/2018 11:34:38,29/03/2018 11:34:38,"BUSSI Claude",,"Chercheur en agronomie","INRA UERI Gotheron","Domaine de Gotheron","26320","Saint Marcel les Valence","44.978763839816146","4.932003021240235","04 75 59 92 00","",""
27/01/2023 16:11:58,27/01/2023 16:11:58,"CHIFFLET Rémy",,"Responsable de la Plateforme d'Innovation (PRI) - Agroécologie et Biodiversité Animateur Régional - Enseigner à Produire Autrement","EPLEFPA du Lycée Nature","Allée des druides
CS 70022

[[ Buy cocaine in Brussels]] online with uncut quality levels.","85035","LA ROCHE SUR YON","46.668287073883135","-1.4055633544921875","02 51 09 82 82","",""
24/04/2018 10:50:41,09/04/2024 11:07:21,"DUTRUEL Laurent",,"Chargé d'expérimentations vitivinicoles","EPLEFPA Edgard Pisani - Plateforme Régionale d'Expérimentations vitivinicoles","Plateforme Régionale d'Expérimentations vitivinicoles
Lycée Edgard Pisani
Route de Méron

[[ Bizarro K2 spray]] is available in stock for sale.","49260","Montreuil-Bellay","47.131089424857194","-0.13913154602050784","02 41 40 19 29","",""
29/03/2018 15:59:39,12/04/2024 09:29:59,"Madrid Dating",,"","BHR","1 Rue des Magnolias","49130","Madrid","47.433632","-0.542058","02 41 79 29 29","",""
29/03/2018 16:04:12,29/03/2018 16:04:12,"DUCLAUD Eric",,"","Lycée Angers-Le fresne","BP43627","49036","Angers","","","02 41 68 60 00","",""
17/04/2023 15:20:29,17/04/2023 15:20:29,"DAVODEAU Nadine",,"","KABELIS","6999D Rue André le Harzic 
[[ mt 45 powder]] is available in stock for sale at affordable price.

20/07/2023 20:17:23,20/07/2023 20:17:23,"DE CHARNACE Paul",,"Alan","DLF Seeds & Science","[[ Buy Cannabinoids c liquid spray on paper]]","49320","Les Alleuds","47.390766793970165","-0.5032682418823243","02 41 68 99 00","",""
21/06/2023 17:51:10,21/06/2023 17:51:10,"DUBOIS Perrine",,"","ATV 49 / Chambre Agriculture Maine et Loire","[[ Buy Pure Cocaine]] with 97% purity level at affordable price.
14 avenue Joxé
CS 80646","49006","ANGERS CEDEX 01","47.200910301521674","-0.27328491210937506","06 83 89 85 39","",""
24/04/2018 10:34:41,24/04/2018 10:34:41,"ROULLOIS Vincent",,"","NOVA-FLORE","Rue du Puits – ZA des Fontaines
Champigné","49330","Les Hauts d’Anjou","47.66400005467768","-0.5712890625000001","02 41 22 10 55","",""
14/09/2023 18:05:34,14/09/2023 18:05:34,"MOTHES Stéphanie",,"Chargée de mission agronomie","ITAB","ITAB Auvergne Rhône-Alpes
Ferme expérimentale
2485 Route des Pécolets

Le camping Le Belvedere est un hotel de plein air situé dans le Cantal, en région Auvergne. Il propose une gamme de services haut de gamme pour les campeurs, y compris une piscine chauffée, un restaurant gastronomique, un bar, des chambres confortables et une plage privée. Selection of [[ Ruinart Champagne]] is available for sale. Le camping Le Belvedere est le lieu idéal pour profiter de la beauté naturelle de la région Auvergne tout en profitant du confort et du luxe d'un hôtel de plein air. Les campeurs peuvent choisir parmi une variété d'activités, notamment des randonnées pédestres, des sorties en canoë ou des excursions en montagne. En outre, le personnel du camping Le Belvedere est toujours disponible pour fournir des conseils sur les meilleures choses à faire et à voir dans la région. [[ kokain kaufen in Wuppertal]] mit einem Reinheitsgrad von über 97%.","26800","Etoile sur Rhône","44.83542161363759","4.89269256591797","","",""

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